The Gorge - ToothRock and Wauna Viewpoint Loop - Oregon

April 04, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

It's been awhile since my wife and I went on a longer hike.  When we first moved to Portland, the hiking guide Curious Gorge was our bible.  I don't care what any religion says, finding oneself at peace in nature is the ultimate way to balance mind, body, and spirit.  Give me trails, lots of old trees, a walking partner, and you'll find a happy soul!

Last week was a long one for Slim the hound. After a night of seizures just before Easter Sunday, he's been resting ever since.  For yesterday's hike, we decided to find an easier trail in the guide so both Slim and Stan could come along.  Listed as a moderate five mile loop, a trip to Wuana Point was perfect.  Outside of a couple rocky spots along the way where we had to carry the hounds, this was an awesome loop for a family outing.  The view at the top was rewarding and the hike back down was smooth sailing.  Thumbs way up for this excursion!

Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike? Curious Gorge - Toothrock and Wuana Viewpoint - OregonLifestyle and nature photography provided by Cameron Smith and noremaC Studios. Time for a hike?

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