Tales of the Cocktail 2017 - Craft Your Future!

July 01, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Tales of the Cocktail celebrated its' 15th year this past week in the great city of New Orleans!

This cocktail party holds a special place in my heart.  I've been a part of documenting the Tales event for almost 10 years, that's a long fuckin' time y'all!  Years ago what started as a small gathering of cocktail enthusiasts, has grown to an annual spirited event attended by tens of thousands from around the globe.  

I was thrilled to be invited back this year in helping document one of the best cocktail parties our world has to offer.  Raise your drinks everyone, it's time to craft our future!  

Toast to Tails!

Toast to Tales of the Cocktail! New Orleans plays host to the 15th annual Tales of the Cocktail! Craft Your Future! Toast to Tales of the Cocktail! New Orleans plays host to the 15th annual Tales of the Cocktail! Craft Your Future! Toast to Tales of the Cocktail! New Orleans plays host to the 15th annual Tales of the Cocktail! Craft Your Future! Toast to Tales of the Cocktail! New Orleans plays host to the 15th annual Tales of the Cocktail! Craft Your Future! Toast to Tales of the Cocktail! New Orleans plays host to the 15th annual Tales of the Cocktail! Craft Your Future! Toast to Tales of the Cocktail! New Orleans plays host to the 15th annual Tales of the Cocktail! Craft Your Future! Toast to Tales of the Cocktail! New Orleans plays host to the 15th annual Tales of the Cocktail! Craft Your Future! Toast to Tales of the Cocktail! New Orleans plays host to the 15th annual Tales of the Cocktail! Craft Your Future!


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